Iis Dahlia is not guilty Physical Candidate guilty of calling Warganet's Hell


  Iis Dahlia not feeling guilty on a contempt physique to call Warganet's Hell

Iis Dahlia feels so his attitude can actually make the candidate become a great singer and mental retarder.

The hearing of the search for singing talents " Indonesia Dangdut Contest " (KDI) 2018 has sparked a lot of controversy. As is known, the three judges, namely Iis Dahlia Trie Utami and Beniqno have boldly "chased" one of the candidates of Bau Bau, Waode Sofia.

Not without reason, Waode decided that the jury was not handsome at the hearing. Inevitably, the "KDI" jury garnered many derogatory and spicy comments from the warganet. Even the "sin of the past" was delivered by the warganet.

Realizing his attitude in the honor, Iis did not feel guilty. He feels if his attitude can actually make the contestant into a great singer and mentally retarded. He even vigorously calls the warganet more than he does.

"[1945907]" Dehh definitely I was intimidated dehhh Alemonggggg hope ttp be patient.Child star KDI mental Yg mentally you will face blasphemy netizen yg hell out of the juries who intend to make you bs Menjd singers GRAND, "Iis wrote in its download a while ago." Must be ready Mental Kyk Mama Nih relaxed kind of lg in eiimm Beach #NasibJuri #DapatHujatan #Padahalsemuabuatjebaikanpeserta #Sarar # smileinaja #merekagaktaugsih "

  Iis Dahlia calls Warganet Hell "width =" 720 "height =" 447


Not so long ago, Iis began to open his voice about the reason for "chasing" Waode . According to Iis, citizens do not watch the viral video as a whole.

"People are aware, yes, because they do not understand the industry, the people who play this sosmed are mostly small children, if they are cried" he said. "A lot of people are competent, and one thing they just watch is not watching the video as a whole."

IIS realizes if his conversation is spicy. But it has been deliberately done so that competitors appreciate more the appearance.

"Why do I speak like this? Because he has to respect himself, appreciate the things he has," he continues. "If he intends, he will prepare for other friends prepare .Why is not it?"
" Prepared This is not that he wears nice clothes, wears the clothes that he has", one adds. "Because he sees how much people want to go, he's just a ponytail, wearing shoes, jeans, T-shirts, he's very casual, he can wear his best clothes at best. "

It is also defended by saying that it was not native to oust the participants. Instead, he asked the creative team to improve Waode's makeup.

"There is also a problem of baseball uniform because he came back from school, but he (he knows) why he can go to Makbadar but he does not know it. is not prepared, "said Iis. "I told him to go out and I asked him to be creative and his team was back, Oh, that sounds good, we give him a chance."

The mother of two asked the warganet not to be well informed simply by watching the scene. Again, he claimed that he was giving not only criticism but also a solution.

"I do not know, if the trailer is also a trailer, yes the film, so do not see the film and continue to comment, watch the show until the end," said Iis. "What we do is the same team – not only are we criticizing but we are also providing solutions."

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