Iis Dahlia publishes full video, reveals facts KDI participants are deported


  Iis Dahlia publishes a complete video, revealing the facts of the expelled KDI participants

This superior sword asks Netter not to criticize without knowing the truth.

Controversy Iis Dahlia who "drove" one of Bau Bau's competitors, Waode Sofia to be considered not being handsome at the Talent Search Hearing "Contest Dangdut Indonesia "(KDI) 2018 is still in progress. Although having given explanations to defend himself, this top Indonesian pedangdut continues to be the target of the bully.

I do not want him to be constantly blamed, Iis Dahlia finally opens up a voice about the viral video. Few people know that it turns out that the video is only an excerpt or a teaser, and that it has not been edited yet.

"Gini is a common thing when people make teasers or commercials, so I do not like commenting on the footage, a video clip," said Iis Dahlia at Jeruk Kebun, West Jakarta, Saturday ( 21/7). "Watch the show until the end, understand first to comment," sarcastically.

In addition, Indonesia's main pangangut asks that the original either provide criticism without knowing the truth. As a result, there is a misunderstanding like this happens today.

"If you just watch the video footage you're going out already so how do," continued Iis Dahlia. "He did not go back to what he wanted to be," he added.

Iis Dahlia also explained that each participant at the audition should appear clean and neat. To explain at best, he has also uploaded complete video truths in the current audition. Apparently, at that time, Iis Dahlia and several other judges not only criticized but also gave their opinion to the participants.

"Now, if you say that it's a singing event, but if the others are preparing why it's not doing it, but we're not just" doang, "says Iis Dahlia." We're give a solution, "you come first, you will be groomed then you will be harvested." Then, "explained Iis Dahlia.

Once again, this mother of two explains that in a video posted on her personal instagram, she shows that in the end Waode had the chance to sing again. Apparently, Waode can sing with more confidence after getting dressed. "He came in with confidence, dong different when he did, pity," he concluded.

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