Ijtima Ulama, HRS encourage political parties in the coalition of humanity


"Unite them in the movement against communism, liberalism and Islamophobia," he shouted.

  Ijtima Ulama, HRS, Encouraging Political Unity in the Coalition of Humanity

rifa <i fadhly / hidayatullah.com

Habib Rizieq Shihab Speaks

Hidayatullah.com – The High Priest of the Front of Islamic Defenders (FPI) who is also Chairman of the GNPF Ulama Administration Board, Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS), called for a special political party that follows Ijtima Ulama and National Personalities last night, to unite to form the Coalition of Humanity.

The unit, he explained, is important for the future of a better nation and Indonesian state, specifically in the face of the 2019 presidential election.

19659008) Read: Anies: Ijtima Ulama will include a new story

"Therefore I call Ijtima to push the unity of political parties This elama has fought with the people against the tyranny of tyranny.We are our brothers of Gerindra, PKS, PAN and UN as locomotive of the struggle for justice, "said HRS during his opening speech Ijtima at Menara Peninsula Hotel, Jakarta, Friday (27/07/2018)

HRS continued: "We are obliged to closely embrace new parties such as Idaman's party. who has joined PAN and the creative and potential working group, and we must always be open to other parties who want to join the defense of religion, nation and state. In addition, the big party like the Democratic Party. "

Read: Five party leaders attend Ijtima Ulama and national figures

HRS invites Ijtima participants to unite, sit down together for deliberation, abandon the arrogant attitude, arrogant and selfish.We also invite them to promote the interests of religion, nation and state. "Let us all join them in the coalition of peoples for nationality, diversity, NKRI, Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945. Unite them in the movement of struggle against communism, liberalism, as well as Islamophobia "he cried

Read: Instructions of HRS: Walnut of political parties supporting religion Religion [19659008] HRS hopes that this Ijtima Ulama will be born a strong and resilient, upright and patient, strong and full coalition (19659006) "The coalition born from the womb of Ijtima will be supported by the great wave of people who have summer the majority if the lenient marginalized "

" Rest badured, the power of the Ummah will be a tremendous logistical capital for a coalition supported by habaib and ulemas, "he told 500 academics, national figures and various regions of l & # 39; Indonesia.

Read: Ijtima GNPF confirms encouraging the formation of humanitarian coalitions

Answers: Yahya G Nasrullah

Editor: Muhammad Abdus Syakur

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