Iko Uwais with the Netflix series game


INDOPOS.CO.ID – Last Saturday, Joe Taslim sent a news report from the Hollywood Reporter that made a scene. Iko Uwais will be the star of the new Netflix series. The title is Wu Assbadins. The series is a dramatic genre of martial arts that is a new genre in the streaming channel.

It is justified by Rainaldi Item, Iko's brother-in-law. Rai said, Iko will have many roles in Wu Assbadins. & # 39; & # 39; But, do not know when to shoot. To be sure, Iko is in agreement and has signed contracts, "he explained when he contacted Jawa Pos on Saturday (30/6). In addition, Rai has not been able to reveal much about the project.

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The plan, Wu Assbadins consists of ten episodes and takes the background of Chinatown in San Francisco. In the series written by John Wirth, Iko plays Kai Jin, a lead candidate who is also a martial artist. He later became Wu Assbadins, the owner of an ancient power that served to maintain the balance of the world between the war between good and evil.

Not only become a leading actor, Iko will also have an important role behind the scenes. The husband of Audy Item acts as a main choreographer of martial arts as well as stunt coordinator. Variety even mention Iko will also be sitting in the ranks of producers. While Chad Oakes and Mike Frislev of Nomadic Pictures Entertainment and Tony Krantz of Flame Ventures will be executive producers.

Iko is currently on sabbatical after completing the filming of Mile 22 in the United States a few months ago. He is in Indonesia to celebrate Idul Fitri and welcomes the birth of his second daughter, Aneska, on June 13th. & # 39; & # 39; It took a lot of preparation (before filming, Red). Plus, he's waiting for Audy who has given birth, "Rai explains.

Currently, other names are not ready to be announced. However, the one that definitely becomes the opposite of Iko is Byron Mann. The altered carbon actor will play Uncle Six, who is supposed to also play an important role in history. If current, the series of the first two episodes will be directed by director Stephen Fung was aired towards the end of this year.

The election of Iko for a major role as well as the screen team in an American series is a prestigious achievement. Not only for Indonesian cinema, but also for Asia. For the first time, there was an Asian actor who became the central figure of the American series.

Joe, who first preached Iko's involvement in Wu Assbadins, called it a historic achievement. & # 39; & # 39; The new story of the Indonesian people is leading the great television series of American productions … That's RuaRRBiasa's, "wrote Joe on his Instagram. The woman did not miss the pride. & # 39; & # 39; Continue Pa … So proud of you … Do not forget to pray and stay humble yes, "wrote Audy.

Iko is not the first Indonesian actor who played in the Netflix project. Last May, actress Cinta Laura was announced to be involved in Netflix's thriller Nanny Surveillance. In the film directed by Olemide Odebunmi, Love gets the main role as Rachel, the nanny who turns out to be a psychopath.

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