Imam Nahrawi concerned about the condition of Boxer Valentinus Nahak


BALI, – National boxer Valentinus Nahak is currently struggling to recover from a so-called pancreatic cancer because his ganglia swollen.

The condition of Valentinus Nahak also arouses the concern of the Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi

Imam Nahrawi sent the Deputy Deputy of Science Nursery and Sport, Kemenpora , Washinton, to visit the Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar and ensure the current state of its intensive care

. Last February, it is still a test event, can get sick, now July in three months it's so bad, that's what I can not understand why it can not be detected at all, "said Washinton, Monday (30/7/2018). See also: Yanto Basna was transported to the hospital and received six stitches during a victory in the Thai League

This was in agreement with the chairman of the National Committee of Bali Sports (KONI), Ketut Suwandi. He hopes his boxer can recover and can live a good life again.

"We only pray, our ability to provide support and a pbadion for Valen to survive and be able to live a good life again," he said.

Previously, Valentin Nahak was a boxer ready to participate in the 2018 Asian Games. However, in mid-May 2018, he was forced to return to Bali to undergo treatment for lymph node disease.

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President of the Union The Indonesian amateur boxer (Pertina), Brigadier General of Police Johny Asadoma , said the family had been sent home.

"We found a decrease in the condition of Valent during his stay at the National Training Center, found the suspected pancreatic cancer," said Johny when contacted on Saturday (28 / 7/2018).

Jhony explains the current state of Valent's body more uruk membrane. Weight loss is diminished because the disease in the pancreas damages the function of the decomposition of food to be absorbed by the body.

In addition, the pancreas does not work well even making the body unstable because it can not control the levels of sugar in the body. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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