Immediately married, Justin Bieber show intimate photos with Hailey Baldwin

[ad_1], Jakarta After applying for Hailey Baldwin on July 7, 2018, Justin Bieber showed his unconditional love and affection to Hailey Baldwin for people around the world. After the sweet words, this time the old Selena Gomez was uploading photos with her future candidates.

Thanks to his social media account, Justin uploaded his hypnotized photos with Hailey as they kissed in a pond. Without a description, Justin also let the citizen comment on happy photos.

After being engaged, the wedding news of Justin and Hailey are coming out, where the two will not delay the marriage any longer and will celebrate the wedding next year

. Hailey has discussed their wedding plans and wants a short commitment that they want to marry next year and he will be very small, "said a quoted source from E! News

Not Holding a magnificent wedding reception, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin also plans to invite only family and close friends.With related to his wedding plans next year, Hailey must also know what kind of dress she will use

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