Improved photography on smartphone, Light associates with Sony | INews Portal


TOKYO, – Light is working with Sony to improve the multi-camera configuration of some current mobile models. Light itself is known to be a company that incorporates 16 lenses on the back of the phone.

Sony and Light will collaborate on the development and commercialization of multi-image sensor solutions. The sensor will be for smartphones with four or more cameras.

The use of more than three cameras has actually been carried out by other smartphone manufacturers, namely Samsung. The South Korean electronics giant has pinned four cameras on the Galaxy A9 and the Nokia 9 PureView.

From 2020, it is possible to use the quad and penta-camera configurations to become widespread in the new handsets. According to Light, 85% of the images photographed today come from smartphones and the company is very pleased to offer a computer photography platform to the mobile phone industry.

"Sony is the market leader in image sensors and we are very excited to be working with them.We are entering a new era of fully intelligent imaging applications that transform smartphones, autonomous vehicles and security systems.With world clbad sensors, we can introduce new innovations in the field of multiple imaging space cameras, "said Dave Grannan, CEO of Light Phone Arena, Friday (22/02/2019).

Light said he had the only cellular chipset capable of covering up to six cameras at a time. In essence, the combination of Light and Sony can improve the quality of photos and videos taken by smartphone users.

Publisher: Tuty Ocktaviany

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