In connection with Gading-Gisella Divorce, Icha Gween clarifies until Gisella wants to be precise


TRIBUN-MEDAN.COM – The relationship between Gisella Anastasia or Gisel and Gading Marten is known to be very harmonious.

They say that they form a harmonious couple. Far from oblique gossip.

Thus, many regretted their decision to divorce.

In addition, they are lucky to have only beautiful and cute puppets, namely Gempita Noura Marten.

"That's it, so it's really confusing, because it's all good, does that mean, what's it doing? What a pity that this be definitely my home, "Gisel said during a video chat with the media team, at his lawyer's office, Plaza Sentral Building building, Sudirman, Jakarta Center, Friday (23/11/2018 ).

Gisel did not deny that there were many friends who regretted his steps to divorce Gading Marten.

"Yes, who does not regret it? If you can choose, I do not mind hearing from Mas Gading, but if you are considering one thing or another until finally (divorce), it means that it's like that, "he said.

Gisel claimed to love him, Gading Marten and Gempita Noura Marten. Divorce is the best way to improve.

"Yes darling, it's really a pity.Yes, it's okay, the goal for the future is better.I can learn to live a better life," said Gisella Anastasia.

Icha clarification

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