In order to eat Malang meatballs, Maia Estianty jump flying with Personal Jet


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – It is not a secret that Maia Estianty often travels in a private jet. But this time, to eat the Malang meatballs, the Surabaya woman immediately went to Malang to invite her best friend, Yuni Shara and Dita

Not only because the Malang dumpling, Maia Estianty Yuni Shara and Dita also wanted tasting of other culinary in Malang like rawon, menjes tempe, and so on.



"Fancy to fly culinary in Malang (Batu) at Yuni Shara, eat meatballs, rawon, menjes tempe, spring rolls Wareg pol (Really)." (Maia Estianty, Yuni Shara and Dita in Malang), they were greeted by Momo who settled in Malang.

Malang now "added Maia Estianty



Not to mention Momo also posted their solidarity and thanked him for being visited by his friends. [19659002] "Come to Batu, Malang the only culinary destination, full of bego sampe (emiji laughs) .The counters nyambangin lonely momo here, meeting meeting" wrote Momo.

Yuni Shara also upload their photos and tell them that they are not only traveling culinary but also to visit a Paud in Batu, Malang.



"Today I am happy because my friends took the time to visit the early childhood school. @cahayapermataabadi. Thank you for your attention, Maia, Dita and Momo.

And wise podo sauce stop by nang omah, eat meatball Arema, menjes goreng, ketan (made by school teachers) & lumpia. NUWUS yo ker (and happy to have stopped at home, eating Arema meatballs, menjes goreng, glutinous rice and lumpia thanks ya ya ami). "[Yuni Shara]

(ges / wida)

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