In response to Supreme Court decision, Buni Yani uploads video on Mubahalah oath


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – A video containing oaths of vows or sentencing curses sentenced by cases of violation of the law on electronic information and transactions (ITE law), Buni Yani, broadcast on YouTube. The 1 minute 33 seconds video was uploaded by Buni to respond to the Supreme Court decision that did not allow his appeal.

Read: Cbadation denied, legal counsel Buni Yani will immediately submit a PK document

In the short broadcast, Buni claimed that he had not done what the judge alleged, namely altering the video of the speech of former DKI governor Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, alias Ahok, of September 27, 2016.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. For the sake of Allah, I have not interrupted the editing, editing, reduction, adding video of Mr. Ahok's speech in the Thousand Islands , "said Buni in the show.

Lawyer Buni Yani, Aldwin Rahadian, in his confirmation to Tempo on Thursday, November 29, 2018, said the video was made shortly after the publication of the Supreme Court's decision.

The extract from this Supreme Court verdict was previously officially downloaded from the page, under the case number 1712 K / PID.SUS / 2018. In his written statement, the Supreme Court said that the accused Buni Yani had been convicted of criminal information and electronic transactions in a convincing and lawful manner.

Buni was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison. He was charged with the application of Article 32 (1) of the ITE Act. The judge said that Buni was guilty of having edited a video containing a 31-second Ahok speech. He aired the video with phrases considered provocative on Facebook social networks.

Read: Cbadation refused MA, Buni Yani still sentenced to one and a half years in prison

Regarding the impressions uploaded to YouTube, Buni calls an oath if he's lying, he will be punishable at that time. He is happy to be cursed and put to hell forever. This, he said, would also affect his family.

However, if the opposite happens, he says that all who accuse him will be punished. Including, he said, buzzers, police, prosecutors and judges. In the last video of the video, he wanted people to participate in its broadcast.

As long as he swore, Buni seemed to show one of his fingers. It also seemed to mean the koko and the peci shirt in the video.

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