In Search of the Court, Respond to Selfi Nafilah When Asked Price House


  In Search of the Court, Here's Nafilah's Answer to Price House Price

Listen to Selfi Nafilah's answer to the price of his house with Iwa K who became a bone in the court

Almost five years ago, since the divorce, Selfi Nafilah recently sued the treasury at Iwa K not long ago. The stunt event Pedangdut "Dangdut Indonesia contest" compete for the gini-gini property. This problem has come to the green table.

The latest development, the case is only waiting for the court decision of the District Court of East Jakarta. Until it becomes a court-level seizure, how much does the house price of Selfi Nafilah and Iwa K cost? This question was answered relaxed by Selfi. Unfortunately, he was reluctant to mention the exact price of the house.

"Yes, if the price is not the baseball will be mentioned, in essence, no matter what I say, I work before the wedding," said Selfi met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta on Tuesday (10/7). "In fact, the face is not something."

Selfi himself introduced witnesses and evidence deemed to have strengthened the case against the house in previous sessions. The 33-year-old singer was convinced that his intention to succeed the treasure gini-gini could be successful.

"Alhamdulillah works well According to my lawyer, it's the decision of God willing because everything does not feel verbally yes, but there is evidence of bank and others," said Selfie. "So he presents evidence of non-testimony based on history but letters and others we have."

Meanwhile, Selfi has his own reasons for further lawsuits after a long Gana-gini divorce. In an interview last April, Selfi said that he had talked about the property of Gana-gini directly with Iwa, but did not answer that question that brought him to the green table .

Selfi himself sued gana-gini property for the sake of their only child puppets. "If for me, why now (continue gana-gini)? If I do not have a child, already from when to know.Why look for money if she is married? If j & rsquo; I have this child, I had divorce because I have children, what is it, yes for the child, "says Selfi in April 2018.

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