In the activist event 98, Jokowi invites people against intolerance, radicalism and terrorism


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo attended the closing ceremony of the National Congress of Activists 98, at the Jakarta International Exhibition (JIExpo), Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on Saturday after -Midi (7/7/2018). In his speech, the president invited activists and communities to fight intolerance, radicalism and terrorism, according to the theme raised by activists 98 in this event.

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"We have already submitted recommendations and proposals, let's mobilize ourselves especially to fight the war. intolerance, fight radicalism and fight against terrorism "President based on the Press Office of the Presidential Palace

" Our great work to rebuild our great strengths of unity and fraternity among us as sisters (19659004 )

Kaji Proposed Activist 98

Earlier, in front of the head of state, 98 activists proposed several things, such as the proposal to grant the title of national hero to the victim of the 98th incident. as the Semanggi, Trisakti, Jogja, etc.

The President also said that he was going to study it

"As for the proposed national hero title for Victim 98, I will follow studies in accordance with the rules s existing. "19659002] Similarly with another July 7 proposal as Unity Day in Diversity, the President said that he would study it first

" And also the second of proposals On July 7, the Day of Unity in Diversity will also be reviewed and soon we will say when we are done.

Read: Jokowi's message to the archery athletes: Continue to practice and follow the competition [19659002Entridesthepresidentdoesn'tsaythatanationalhereditaryorservicecanbeconsideredasayearoffreedom39;expressionetd'opiniondelalibertédelapresseetd'unesociétéplusdémocratiqueC'estledébutd'uneèred'ouverturel'èredelalibertédansnotrepaysNousespéronsqu'àlongtermeceladonneratoutl'espacepourcontribueràlanationetaupaysetaupeuple"adéclaréleprésidentauxjournalistesaprèsêtredescendudelascène

Appeared to accompany the President, Regional Chair Oesman Sapta Odang and Chief of Staff Presidency of Moeldoko

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