In the presence of KDI Contestants 2018, the President of MNCTV confessed to the rhythm


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – 54 KDI 2018 candidates have arrived in Jakarta and are ready to be galvanized for a while before appearing live on television. They were greeted by the leaders of MNCTV on the occasion of the welcome event that was held on Friday (July 20th) in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.

In front of KDI 2018 competitors, Endah Hari Utari, Director of Programming and Acquisition MNCTV acknowledged being distracted as well as pleased with their presence in Jakarta. He is also eager to see the performance of the candidates live on MNC TV. In addition, the competitors are on average still young.

"I am one of the most excited and proud to wait for your performance on TV.You are selected over 12 thousand people," says the woman who famously called Mother Uut it. 19659002] Successfully set aside tens of thousands of enrolled KDI 2018, Uut said that it was not an easy issue. He also asked the participants to say a lot of gratitude.

  KDI 2018 (Seno Susanto /

KDI 2018 (Seno Susanto /

"You should be grateful, how to be grateful with timely prayers for Muslims," ​​he said. Explain. He asked the candidates to take advantage of the golden opportunity during the penalty shootout. Because it will be a precious capital to realize the dream of becoming a dangdut star of the future.

"Use this moment of the week, the most fun and memorable moment of life, Live this process with joy," says Uut.

Abdul Rahman Syaukani

Edited by Panditio Rayendra

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