Therefore, WhatsApp is threatened with lawsuits in India, though it is not taking any other measures to counter the spread of false rumors, the government said Thursday (July 19th). India has accused the platform of a series of murders.
Under pressure from authorities to prevent the spread of "false news," WhatsApp introduces new features to help users identify transmitted messages.
But in a harsh statement released Thursday, the Indian Ministry of Information Technology said the measures taken were not enough.
"The irresponsible mbadive messages crawling on their platforms are not handled adequately by WhatsApp," he said.
"When rumors and hoaxes are broadcast by troublemakers, the media used for such broadcast can not circumvent responsibility and responsibility."
"If (WhatsApp) is still silent to see them, they deserve to be considered accomplices and therefore threatened with legal action."
WhatsApp bought a full-page ad in Indian newspapers with tips for finding false information.
However, WhatsApp refuses to hide the content of users to help the authorities to crack down on this problem for reasons of privacy. (mu / nh / ma) See also: Goodbye YM Mr Bean Died Hoax! Watch Google Virus Virus Fined $ 70 Billion
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