Indonesian culture is better than Arab and European


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – General Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Council (PBNU) Said Aqil Siradj called on the entire community to maintain the integrity of Indonesia and its cultural integrity.

He considers that the Indonesian culture deserves to be safeguarded and better "Let's keep Indonesia's unitary state, not only its geography but its culture, our culture is more advanced than that of the Arabs. our culture is better than that of the Arabs, "said Said in his speech. at the Halalbihalal event PBNU, PBNU building, Jakarta, Tuesday (3/7).

The Cirebon-born man 65 years ago best illustrates the application of Indonesian culture and deserves to be applied to the daily interaction that Arab culture.

For example, the customs of the mores that are still used by Indonesians are like using the right hand and having a polite appeal to an elderly person.

"In the aja we still fight again called" mas ", or" kang ", pbading in front of the parents always inclined, giving something not to carry the left hand, but in ordinary Arabic, we are ugly, "he said. In addition, Indonesian culture is also far superior to Western culture as in the American and European continent

. On the European and American continent, Said Aqil says his society is more individualistic than in Indonesia that maintains the culture of friendship

Westerners do not have friendship, Sister knows, for example I have a child, but my child with my sister's child already does not know, European culture, "he said

.The Middle East as well as the European or American continent so as not to introduce a bad culture that is not appropriate in Indonesia

He suggested that Indonesian students bring only the knowledge learned in Indonesia

We seek knowledge at Middle East, but we are returning from the Arabs, science is not a beard, brings science instead of gamis, please know the Arabs come home to keep our culture, " he said, hard, breakfast baseball must use beer, mentang -mentang of Europe.Our culture is nobler than European culture, "added Said Aqil

(wis / asa)

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