Inneke Koesherawati Kesandung Problem at KPK, Marini Zumarnis Kaget – VIVA


VIVA – The artist Marini Zumarnis has been making friendships for 20 years with Inneke Koesherawati. Now, Inneke is in trouble. As a friend, of course Marini was surprised when I heard the news

"I see as shocked, I'm surprised, as a shocked friend," said Marini at a meeting at Supermal Karawaci Tangerang, Sunday, July 22, 2018

In addition to friends, Marini and Inneke have a business together. Marini believes that this problem will not interfere with his business relationship. During the 20 years of friendship, Marini and Inneke share positive energy and mutually reinforce each other.

"Happy to have business with him, he is more friendly, so the baseball never told me all kinds of things" [19459008Ls"innendeaété"secure"atlesesresidencelocatedinMentenginthecenterofJakartasamedimatinsuitetothepickingoperationofthepoorpresondandFahmiDarmawansyahlemarid&Innekewhowasdentintheprison

Inneke's own status is still a witness in this case. The states of KPK still trace its role. Marini continues to pray the best for Inneke. (s)

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