InSight will reveal why Earth and Mars are different worlds


Jakarta – After Earth, Mars is the planet most studied by humans. Since 1965, humans have sent various spacecraft to the planet. However, the mission of NASA's InSight robot, which had just landed on Mars, was considered an important advance.

city detikINET of L & # 39; Atlanticafter more than 50 years of studying the planet Mars, we can say that the deep understanding of the human being is only at the surface. Indeed, the robot or mobile tried to drill and collect samples of land, but only until then.

"We know a lot about the surface of Mars, the atmosphere and even the ionosphere, but we do not know much about what goes on beneath the surface," says Jet Propulsion scientist Bruce Banerd. NASA Laboratory.

Well, that's where InSight is a revolutionary robot. In the coming weeks, he will activate the device used to drill the depths of Mars in order to understand what really happened there.

For the first time, humans can study the depth of a planet other than the planet Earth. In keeping with the name of this mission, namely inland exploration using seismic surveys, geodesy and heat transport or abbreviated InSight.

The main equipment of InSight is a seismometer made in France to record even very small vibrations, which come from the earthquake or the fall of a meteor on Mars. The second important device is a kind of drill that can penetrate up to 5 meters underground. Made in Germany, this device is used to measure the heat flux of the planet Mars.

The InSight study should help explain why the Earth and Mars, although they were formed from the same material billions of years ago, can be a truly different world.

"Our measurements will help go back in time and understand what produces a green Earth but a distant planet," said Banerdt.

InSight landed on Mars and dramatically transformed the search on other planets. Namely geology can now be implemented in depth here.

(fyk / krs)

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