Inspired by Bung Karno, Aceh residents buy Ustaz Somad – VIVA aircraft


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VIVA – Acehnese is currently raising funds to buy Ustad Abdul Somad planes. The plane will then be used by Ustaz Somad as a means of transport to preach in the archipelago

Tgk H Faisal Ali, head of the territory of Nahdhatul Ulama (PWNU) Aceh, said the desire buying planes for Ustaz Somad would continue to be encouraged.

Although newly initiated, nominal money from yesterday to Tuesday, July 3, 2018 has reached 30 million Rp. Faisal said, it will be collected in the name of donations of the people of Aceh.

"No matter what is collected is our contribution to buying private plane donations from the people of Aceh," he told Banda Aceh, Aceh, Tuesday, July 3, 2018. [19659006] The purchase of planes by the Acehnais is not the first thing. At the time of the Old Regime, Aceh residents also contributed to the purchase of aircraft from the first Indonesian President, Soekarno.

"This is not new, buy a plane for the president that we can afford, not to mention Ustaz Somad". The idea of ​​the emergence of the speech began with the delay of the plane carrying Ustaz Somad to Aceh which was to fill the conference in Aceh Besar on Monday evening July 2, 2018. At this moment, about two hours delay Ustad Somad to the land of meeting, while residents were waiting for his arrival even since the afternoon.

Other reasons, he said, given the number of times Ustaz Somad invited to Aceh is still limited transportation problems. In addition, in addition to seeing the schedule of his conference is a community so dense and very interested.

"It is only natural that he finds a solution to his effective dakwah, he is in good health.So, with the plane, I think it will be easy to preach even denser. », He said.

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