Instagram Contact Now Can be read on Facebook Messenger, it's advantages and disadvantages


SRIPOKU.COM – Recently, Facebook introduced a new feature that synchronizes all contacts of Instagram users on Facebook Messenger.

This step is part of Facebook's effort to upgrade to connect all of its services to Instagram. [19659002] More news:
Still a test scene, Instagram will release new features, erasing discrete subscribers

The company has also tested new features in Instagram that will allow public accounts to remove people from [19659002] In addition, other features are visible in the tests, and this one allows a person to react instantly to Instagram Stories just like you react to a friend 's download on Facebook.

In the description obtained by TribunStyle .com from Gadget 360 via TechCrunch, the ability to synchronize contacts is the next step of the December December test allows users to import contacts from Instagram to Messenger.

The last option "Connect Instagram" is in the Peoples tab, above the option "All contacts"

By selecting, instantly synchronizes all contacts without asking permission [19659010] Gadget 360 ” width=”500″ height=””/>

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Unfortunately, there is no option to return after selecting this button. So be careful.

This feature will be launched on all Android and iOS users under development.

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