Instagram has new features, monitors user habits – VIVA


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VIVA – Share photos and videos on social networks Instagram posts new features to let users or users know that they have scroll or drag and drop new ones articles in the last 48 hours. [19659003AccordingtonewthisfunctionalityhasbeenusedonAndroidandIOSThisfunctionalitywillalsoshowalargecheckmarkwiththewords' you are all trapped & # 39; on the last post of these two days.

Quote The Verge Tuesday, July 3, 2018, however, the publications will remain the same as before based on the habits of the user using Instagram.

This feature seems to be an Instagram way to remember how long users spend with the app. In May 2018, the CEO of Instagram, Kevin Systrom, said on his Twitter account that his company was developing tools on the subject.

"Understanding how long the effects of online time are important, and it is the responsibility of all companies of We want to be part of the solution, I take this responsibility seriously," said Systrom on his account Twitter.

In line with Systrom's Cuitan, this year seems to be the Instagram year to balance devices or gadgets with other social life. However, it was not just Instagram. Facebook is also doing the same thing.

In the future, in these two applications should have a screen whose function reminds how much users often surf in cyberspace. The addition of this feature is supposed to be on Apple Time Screen on iOS 12 and Google Dashboard on Android P.

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