Instagram more complete with some new features

[ad_1] – In the present age, the sophistication of social media applications is growing rapidly, one of them is instagram. Instagram is now strengthening its position to be the largest and the current social media. Coupled with the release of several new features so after the release of IG-TV should kill youtube.

Users are more and more instagram an application that it is still growing. Now Instagram itself has attracted Snapchat users, Facebook Twitter, even Youtube. Continuous updates are an attempt to try them better.

ig 2018

1. Video call in a direct message

Not only can you download photos and videos, but you can also make video calls in DM conversations. This feature was added some time ago and announced on their blog Tuesday (26/6).

To make a video call, you can find the camera icon in the upper right corner of the DM tab. If the other person is online, the call will be connected immediately. The other good news is that video calls can be grouped with multiple users at once.

The other good news is that during a video call, you can still surf in the Instagram application. You can minimize video call screens and view mounts, upload photos and videos, send DMs, download insta-stories!

These video calls can only be made by users who have already had a DM conversation. You also have the option "Mute" against some users when you feel uncomfortable with video calling.

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2. Channel Topics in Explore

In the Explore tab, KLovers can find downloads and accounts that interest you. Now navigation is easier because there is customization in keeping with the post we used to see.

When you open the explore tab, at the top of the page there will be several channels depending on our interest. The Instagram algorithm searched for data corresponding to the account we track. If you do not feel comfortable with your pbadion, you can choose "mute" for that topic.

Not only that, the Explorer tab will now present the updated trends around us. For example, the latest culinary trends or travel destinations that are successful. The most complete and the very present using instagram.

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3. New camera filter in insta-story

There will be new filters appearing on Instagram cameras. The effect of this filter is designed by Ariana Grande, Buzzfeed and Liza Koshy. More ways to express your style is KLovers!

However, this feature can only be used if you follow the designers account. Curious ga with the filter Ariana Grande? So follow now!

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4. Ask me a question!

Since Thursday (28/6) must be your insta-story line is filled with ala this one. When in the previous function instagram presents a poll and a cursor, now the followers can give an answer containing the instruction loh!

Selecting the option "Question" on the sticker tab of the insta-story menu, you can ask questions to which followers will respond. The subsequent result followers will follow the entry in the notification tab, not in DM.

This feature collects some pros and cons. Some users use this feature as a hybrid of, which allows subscribers to ask questions. The initial functionality of this feature is actually for the downloader to ask questions about his followers.

Well anyway, you do it, you are free to use this feature at the request of or with a real purpose. But unfortunately, this feature can not be felt evenly, even if you have to update the application may not be able to use it.

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5. Music in Insta-Story

Starting June 28, Instagram adds music features in insta-story. You can add music that matches the story that you download.

Insta-Story users now have 400 million accounts a day. With this achievement, instagram has competed with Snapchat as a pioneer of similar format videos.

To install music, you can find it on the sticker tab. You can find a music library containing thousands of songs. Searches can be made with the most popular song titles, moods, genres, or music.

The selected song can be customized according to the part that will be included in the insta-story. When the downloaded video will appear a sticker containing the description of the song you have selected.

Unfortunately, this feature is only available in some countries and still for iOS. you Android users still have to wait a while to use.

Well, if you are discussing some of the latest features that have been published by instagram. Of course, you can already use the earlier IG-TV function

Source: [mg2]

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