Instagram More cool! After IGTV, IG Party Maintain Story can use music


TRIBUNKALTIM.CO – Instagram will introduce new features in the stories that will allow users to add soundtracks / music to their content from a library of copyrighted songs.

In the information obtained by the 360 ​​the user simply records the video or takes a picture of Stories as usual, and then accesses the sticker selection menu.

When you get this feature, the Music Sticker appears.

Select and Slide the Music Sticker in Stories to



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New music features gradually released for iOS users.

For Android not yet ahu when will flow and will have to wait patiently

Instagram Party itself says the reason why launch this feature.

This is due to the growing number of users of the Instagram store that has reached 400 million.

With these achievements, they are eager to give a memmberikan innovation.

"Instagram's 'Stories' is now used by $ 400 every day, and we're excited to give a new way for our community to feel closer to their friends and followers," said Instagram quoted from Gadget 360.

With this new feature, Instagram adds innovation, having already launched Instagram TV or IGTV.


IGTV is an Instagram video feature that allows you to watch longer videos than Stories from Instagram.

( Ghafar Rahman)

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