Instagram Reveal the Algorithm Work Classify the History of History


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Since its launch in 2016, the Stories feature has changed user Instagram interaction.

When a new story is uploaded, content owners can see who is watching it. However, until now, Instagram never really reveals how the feature works and raises the name of a number of accounts that have seen the content.

Up to now, Instagram users badume that people whose names are often at the top of the list the people who visit their profiles most often.

Others say that these people are the most interactive accounts

However, head of the division for Instagram home products, Julian Gutman rejects both. He explains how the Instagram algorithm works to get viewers to the Story feature instead of the previous two.

"The people appearing on top of the Story list are not the ones who consult your profile most often – you and the people closest to you," says Gutnam

. When you frequently visit someone's profile, it is likely that the person's download will appear at the top of the content audience that you are downloading. Even if you have never liked or commented on the download.

To quote The Independent this Facebook affiliate also reveals your habits by giving comments, likes photos, and sends a message (direct message) that helps companies read the behavior and habits of its users. in the Facebook application also influences the accounts that appear at the top of the story audience that you download. (evn)

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