iPhone 5G will be launched in 2020


Merdeka.com – Unlike other smartphone manufacturers who have promised 5G smartphones to go out as quickly as possible. Even some smartphone makers like LG and OnePlus say the system is ready in 2019. Apple is just the opposite.

The logical consequence is that iPhone users have to wait longer to use an iPhone with 5G technology.

Nobody, including Apple, can deny it. 5G technology is still questionable when it can be applied. However, according to the latest report from Fast Company, Apple needs a year and a half to bring forth the iPhone 5G.

As reported Tech Crunchvia Liputan6.comTuesday (6/11), according to a source close to the knowledge on Apple, the new iPhone 5G technology will be available in 2020.

Apple's 5G technology will be provided by Intel, which is now Apple's partner in the iPhone modems business.

The source said that Apple and Intel were now experiencing a slight problem related to battery heat when they were applied to the 8060 560G modem.

Previously known, Apple has partnered with chip makers and modems for smartphone Qualcomm. The heat issues would have allowed Apple to call on Qualcomm for the re-production of 5G modems. [faz]

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