Iphone slow and suddenly suddenly low battery, that's the word of Apple


– Is your iPhone an old edition and now so slow or suddenly dead when the battery is low?

In 2017, Primate Labs, the company that made the application to measure the processor speed of the iPhone, released Apple does not want to remain silent and let the results affect their product image.

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On the page of The Verge, Apple admits that old models of the iPhone are slowing down

Reported by Tribunjogja.com from the Huffington Post page, Thursday (28/06/2018 ), the main problem is the lithium-ion battery. 19659002] This does not apply only to Apple products, but also to most other smartphones.

According to the Huffington Post, there is nothing that Apple can do with this battery

"lithium-ion can not meet such demand when cold conditions, when the battery low or the cell phone is long enough, can cause the sudden death of the phone to protect other electronic components, "said a spokesman for Apple.

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In other words, how to continue using the device with good performance , you must update your phone with the latest OS, aka following the next iPhone series.

The average problem will be when your iPhone is over three years old.

But, this problem may also appear less than three years, depending on how you use it and take care of it. (*)

This article was broadcast on Tribunjogja.com with the title of the iPhone Suddenly dead when the battery is low? This explanation of Apple !,

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