Irwandi Yusuf Caught Suap, 2018 Aceh Marathon Delayed


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The activities of Aceh Marathon 2018 were postponed after the non-active Governor of Aceh Irwandi Yusuf was designated suspected of using the Fund of Aceh Special Autonomy (DOKA) for 2018. Irwandi reportedly received a bribe of Rp. 500 million

"Until now, the local government has said that it is a it was postponed, and the decision belongs to the local government, not us, "said Fenny Steffy Burase, expert of Aceh Marathon 2018 after being questioned at the building KPK Jakarta, Wednesday (July 18)

Steffy was examined as a witness to complete the Irwandi investigation file.

The 500 million Rp money received by Irwandi would have flowed internationally. This money, hundreds of millions of rupees, would have been used to pay for medals and clothing during the race organized in Pulau Weh.

Steffy briefly outlines the need for Aceh Marathon 2018. According to him, the price of medal needs reaches Rp500 million, while the price of clothing needs for participants from Rp300 to Rp400 million.

"Anyway, if for the total, it already reaches 13 billion Rp," he said.

Steffy claims to have worked on this project for a year. He became one of the panitas in the activities of the provincial government of Aceh. Steffy knew then Irwandi while he was preparing for the event that was to take place on July 29, 2018.

"[Kami kenal] from last year, as it is happening almost a year" , he said.

Nevertheless, the old model of Manado hopes that the planned activities as sports and tourist icons in Aceh can still be carried out

Previously, the KPK suspected that Irwandi's money was being used for the medals and clothing for the activities of Aceh Marathon 2018. [19659006] The money was sent to BCA and Bank Mandiri gradually, each of Rp50 million, Rp190 million, and Rp173 million. Irwandi reportedly received 500 million rupees from Bener Meriah Ahmadi Regent

Aceh Marathon 2018 will be held on July 29, 2018 in Pulau Weh. This event is a first-rate international race with category half and full marathon in the region.

Participants will run up to 42.195 kilometers around Pulau Weh with a route showing the best view of the island. Aceh Marathon is projected as an icon of sport and tourism in Aceh. (res)

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