Is it true that drinking coffee can cause high blood pressure? Here is the explanation of the researchers

[ad_1] – News about coffee consumption can cause high blood pressure, perhaps familiar to the community

However, how can the problem of coffee consumption cause high blood pressure, according to health scientists?

Researchers have several explanations that drinking coffee can cause high blood pressure

Although it can trigger a rise in blood pressure in the short term, caffeine in coffee does not increase the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure in the long term.

According to the National Joint Committee on Hypertension, there is no evidence of a link between high blood pressure and coffee consumption.

As reported by the Daily Medical page

To give a clearer picture, the Italian researcher Giuseppe Grosso emphasized two important points.

First, they confirmed that the rise in blood pressure caused by caffeine was only temporary.

Secondly, this increase only applies to people who do not consume caffeine often.

Because people like that are not the same abilities as ordinary coffee drinkers.

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