It's panicked because of panic – VIVA


VIVA – The question of the appearance of Boyolali according to the words of presidential candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto, has sparked controversy. Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno of the National Winning Organization (BPN) reacted to the question of Boyolali's look in rival camps because there was no equipment.

BPN Vice President Prabowo-Sandi, Yandri Susanto, accused the "Boyolali look" played by the opposing side.

"If Pak Jokowi and the Boyolali regent are PDIP executives, it is quite natural to be fried.Maybe because there was no panic, it is not a good thing to do it. There is no material, so if you see Pak Prabowo's speech, there is no problem, "Yandri told parliament on Monday, November 5, 2018.

He said that Prabowo's video speech had been cut and processed. He suspected that this issue had been addressed because the opposing party's suitability had been significantly eroded.

"There is nothing (Prabowo's excuse), which is why we can see it well, that's it loh. If it's cut, of course, it means a lot. Only if you see him from beginning to end that Prabowo does not want to insult, "Yandri said.

Dakun (47), a resident of Boyolali, said Friday, November 2, 2018 President Prabowo Subianto's candidate to Metro Jaya Regional Police.

The report follows Prabowo's speech in Boyolali, Central Java, on Tuesday, October 30, 2018. Dakun was offended and insulted because Prabowo had spoken of the "Boyolali look".

The controversy continued with the mbades and the Boyolali regent, Seno Samudra, who participated in the action. to save the look of Boyolali. Seno said the citizens of Boyolali had not chosen Prabowo. (Ase)

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