Iwa K Building the house with Selfi Nafilah?


Kapanlagi.com – Six years after the divorce, Selfi Nafilah asks for a gini property on the house that was once occupied with her ex-husband, Iwa K. Currently, the controversy is still pending before the Court Jakarta nun (3/7 /2018).

Related this lawyer Selfi Nafilah, Ruhiyat Auditya spoke, He said that his client has spent a lot of money. Surely this money he used to build a house that had occupied with Iwa K.

  Iwa K © KapanLagi.com/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya K Iwa © KapanLagi.com/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya

"Not a little Selfi money in There is in the construction of the house.Long enough, hundreds of millions, so the development (the house) is the same.Lots of money Selfi out there, "added Selfi's lawyer at PA East Jakarta, Ciracas, Tuesday (3/7/2018). 19659002] But that is denied by the rapper. The house was built on the land of his father's gift. Even long before marrying Selfi Nafilah

"C is a house built from 2005, we got married in 2007. So there is already an emang house and during the whole macem.It means that it is already a house, the house already so physically (19459003) Iwa K.

"It's emang when we say that my gini is confused too, that Do you want to dig gini, what did you have … In fact if you want to speak honestly yes, he also knows "Iwa K and Selfi Nafilah went back to the gini treasure trial at Depok religious court Tuesday (07/03/2018) .The Assembly arrived at the agenda of the presentation of the witnesses of Iwa K. On the occasion, Iwa K has presented his father as a witness

(Reporter: Zulfa Ayu)

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