Jack Ma turns out to be a member of the Chinese government party


KOMPAS.com – Chinese billionaire Jack Ma turns out to be a party member in the Chinese government, Communist Party of China (CPC). The information was officially published by the party newspaper on Monday (26/11/2018).

The news has denied public badumptions so far if the owner of Alibaba had no contact with politics.

In an article mentioned, Jack Ma, Baidu, founder of Robin Li, and Pony Ma, of Tencent, were included in the list of the 100 personalities of the government party who will participate in the process of selection of the prizes.

The award was aimed at the founders of the technology giant who contributed to the reform and opening up of the country. It is not yet clear why the newspaper only affiliates the name Ma and the Chinese government party.

It was not mentioned either when Jack Ma officially joined the party. However, this news came from Beijing's willingness to bring private companies in line with party values, especially fast-growing technology companies.

Jack Ma, is the richest person in the world with a wealth of $ 35.8 billion (about 519.4 billion RPD), according to Forbes magazine. In September, Ma announced his intention to leave his position as CEO of Alibaba next year.

Read also: do not want to die in the office, why Jack Ma left Alibaba

Under the presidency of Alibaba, Ma was able to generate US $ 390 billion worth for its business and to dominate online payment and digital payments via Alipay in China.

The news of Ma's political affiliation was a surprise to many people. The Chinese search engine, Baidu, also generated negative results on whether or not Jack was a party member in the Chinese government.

Read also: Jack Ma will train young Indonesian talents on the Alibaba campus

reported KompasTekno of CNBCOn Wednesday (28/11/2018), Alibaba refused to comment on this case. But he said that political affiliation would not affect the company's activities.

"The political affiliation of the executive will not affect the decision-making process of the company," said a spokesman for Alibaba.

He added that the company would respect the laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates.

"Because we fulfill our mission, it's easier for people to do their jobs anywhere in this digital age," he added.

Read also: Daniel Zhang Replace Jack Ma directs Alibaba, here is his profile

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