Joget in Instagram, the police of Iranian teenagers Dumped

[ad_1], Jakarta – The regulation for women in Iran is very strict. It was not long ago, a young woman in Iran was arrested for her popular video on Instagram. In the video, she danced with three other girls.

Not only with three other girls, Maedeh Hojabri (17) also danced with an adult woman in the video. However, the video has been uploaded to Maedeh's Instagram account.

In fact, not only Medeh was arrested, but also three young women and an adult woman who joined the dance. But, Maedeh is underlined to be the owner of the account

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Indicated by Independent Online that the Iranian authorities have secured them for the dance without wearing the veil and recorded and broadcast via Instagram. 19659002] In Iran, all women are required to wear the hijab. Therefore, the police immediately acted instantly knowing that there was a video of five women dancing without a hood.

It's only here that the Instagram account Maedeh was removed from the Instagram service before it was finally accessible. He then posted a video that contained an apology.

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The incident instantly becomes pro and against the reaction of citizens, especially in Iran. The counter-reaction to Maedeh's arrest would threaten the joy of adolescence. [BA/HBS]

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