Kbad247.com –
The charm of Iqbaal Ramadan is undeniable. Not only because of his beautiful looks, the actor talent to probe merdunya often attract attention. No wonder, the movie star "Dilan 1990" is a fan of crazy people who are mostly women. One of them is a girl from Central Sulawesi called Nurrani.
Nurrani is indeed one of the fanatical fans of Iqbaal Ramadan. In fact, Nurrani dares to say if he is the legal wife of idol. Interestingly enough, Iqbaal had summoned his fanatical fans with the title "my wife". Not only the reaction of Iqbaal, Nurrani's unique action was quite viral in cyberspace.
As a result, a number of television stations also had time to invite Nurrani into the program. In addition, Wulan Guritno, one of the country's celebrities, seems to be interested in Nurrani's figure. In fact, Wulan also shared a video when he, Surya Saputra and a man named Patrick Effendy was in action with Nurrani.
In the short video, it seems that Wulan Guritno and other friends are dancing while Nurrani tries Iqbaal with the song "Lagi Syantik" popularized by Siti Badriah. "tag @ iqbaal.e already Jakarta nih if @ nurrani_r nyariin Andauu," writes Wulan in his post, Wednesday, June 27.
Not only entertained by the video, some netizens have failed to focus on the appearance of Wulan Guritno. "Who uses orange2 brown clothes do not run away, " says @one ****** y__zz. "Focus on wulan mum, really beautiful," says @ rizal.c ***** a. "his body mba wulan woww", supplement @ryr **** d .
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