Johan Budi So Caleg PDI-P, This is the comment of Vice President Kalla


JAKARTA, – Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that everyone has the right to become a candidate for the legislative elections, including Presidential Spokesman Johan Budi

Johan s. is nominated by PDI Perjuangan. everyone's right, "Kalla told the office of Vice President, Jakarta on Tuesday (17/07/2018).

Kalla says that the constitution guarantees the right of every color of the Indonesian state (WNI) to be elected and voted.

See also: Johan Budi Forward to the candidate PDI-P

Johan Budi stands as a candidate (19659002) PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto has previously confirmed the name Johan Budi in as a PDI-P candidate who will be registered at KPU on Tuesday (17 / 7/2018) this afternoon.

"Good," Hasto told on Tuesday (17/07/2018).

"For the full story, I'll tell you at KPU," he added.

Johan was not a PDI-P cadre. His name was publicly known since he became the spokesman for the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK).

At present, KPK suffered from a leadership vacuum in February 2015, he was appointed by President Joko Widodo to become the CEO of KPK.

When his term ended, Johan re-engaged as KPK leader. However, his efforts failed because they were not elected by the House.

Later, he was appointed by Jokowi to be the spokesperson for the presidency and continues to serve.

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