Jokowi Amran's Minister Healthy Road Together 1 million people in Makassar


A healthy road with Sahabat Rakjat Indonesia initiated by Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman was held in the city of Makbadar on Sunday morning (29/7/2018).

To attend this regent road and vice regent of 200 people and governor / badistant governor of 20 people and followed by more than 1 million people.

Minister Amran as adviser to Sahabat Rakyat Indonesia said that almost four years in the office, President Jokowi has managed to make history in economic development. One of them, the poverty rate dropped by a single figure.

"All our friends, President Jokowi is outstanding, the president is populist, simple, honest and no less important in the history of poverty." Amran said aloud to all the street participants in good health


According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in March 2018, the number of poor in Indonesia decreased by 9.82%, 30% compared to September 2017 which was 10.12%, the number of poor
in March 2018 was 25.95 million, a decrease of 630,000 from 26.58 million in September 2017.

"This is the first time that Indonesia records a poverty rate of

Not only has Amran continued, but President Jokowi Sabang is sowing Merauke in a rather short period. One of them prints a new story of construction of a 3,000-kilometer road in Papua

"The infrastructure is built from Sabang to Merauke, even our brothers took advantage in Papua from a 3,000-kilometer road built in Papua ". The Jokowi government is also produced in the agricultural sector. The agricultural development policy has incised various performances that should be an important record in the history of the Indonesian nation. In 2017, agricultural exports reached Rp 441 billion, up 24% from 2016, against Rp 355 billion.

"At Sulsel built three dams worth Rp 3 trillion , irrigated 3 million acres and the last our sector of accidental agriculture in agriculture, food exports grew by 24 percent .It is thanks to the hard work of All of us – the hard work of the bupati and the governor all – we present only a real budget and a program for the development and prosperity of the people, "said Amran

. According to Amran, during President Jokowi, he visited Makbadar, South Sulawesi 10 times. This shows that the development in South Sulawesi and in the east of Indonesia is very worrying

"Thanks Pak Jokowi, especially from the inhabitants of eastern Indonesia." Mr. Jokowi is very concerned about East Indonesia.We should be proud to have President Jokowi, "said Amran

. Observed, present at this event, Maruarar Sirait, governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, governor and vice-governor of South Sulawesi was elected. Nurdin Abdullah and Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, Governor and Deputy Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indah Parawangsa and Emil Dardak, Governor of Gorontalo, Rusli Habibi, and Governor of South Kalimantan Sabirin Nur (*)

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