Jokowi Announces Important Decision Tonight

[ad_1] – The Senior Deputy Primary Experts for Political Communication and Dissemination of Information, Ali Mochtar Ngabalin met with Luhut Panjaitan on Tuesday afternoon (10/7). Both discussed a number of important agendas, one of which related to the announcement of Vice President Joko Widodo.

"We talked about it a little bit (Vice-President), just ask questions," Ngabalin told the Ministry of Interior's coordination ministry Tuesday (July 10th).

He tells President Jokowi to signal his vocation tonight (10/7). Exactly in the Silaturahmi event with Solidarity Young Jokowi (Samawi) at Sentul, Bogor regency, West Java.

"I say that comrades must follow the president's journey, so that his gestures can be known.His choice of words can be known, how gesturnya so who knows tonight there is something important", he said.

Unfortunately, the coordinating minister of the Navy Department, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, declined to comment on the announcement that Vice President Vice President Joko Widodo was to announce Tuesday night (10/7).

(test / JPC)

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