Jokowi asks Ulama and Umara to keep the Ukhuwuh of the nation


The challenge of Indonesia in the future will be more severe.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR – The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, asks ulama and umara to get closer to the ukhuwah nation and the Indonesian state. According to Jokowi, the future challenge of Indonesia will be more severe.

"Once again the circle of scholars and umara and also the members of Samawi allow us to take care of our country our nation," said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the event Young Solidarity Jokowi. (Samawi) at the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Bogor, Tuesday evening (10/7).

He also recalled that everyone continues to keep ukhuwah islamiah and wathaniah ukhuwah because the challenges and the future work for the Indonesian people are many. length. "Because our work is still far ahead of us, the challenges are becoming more difficult and can be overcome if we meet," he said.

The President revealed that Indonesia is the largest Muslim population in the world. (19659004) He explained that at present the population of Indonesia up to 263 million people with 714 tribes, and more than 1100 regional languages. Conditions that make Indonesia different, diverse, tribe, religion, regional languages, customs and traditions.

"It is our duty to be ukhuwah islamiah, wathaniah ukhuwah because the great badet of Indonesia is fraternity, harmony, unity, because we receive indeed the grace of Allah SWT, "he said.

Rate Jokowi, various different compound that makes admire Indonesia from other countries. Because of different customs, tribes, traditions and religions, Indonesia is always harmonious, united, coexisted.

According to Jokowi, it must be maintained so that the Indonesian nation does not leave the planned rail. "It takes a lot of work, a big country like Indonesia is big, the challenge is as big, but it's a common task to build this country," he said.

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