Jokowi called his co-leader to launch five


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), said that the names of his future presidential candidates in 2019 were conical and awaiting maturation

"Yesterday, 10 years pushed to five.Mobok patiently used to live one, two and three weeks more," Jokowi told the State Palace on Wednesday (11/7).

This was forwarded to respond to the PDI-P statement and PPP Vice President Jokowi.

Jokowi casually answers a series of questions about the future future vice-presidential candidate. According to him now the names are always teased his team with party supporters.

The former governor of Jakarta baderted that he must also communicate with all parties who support him before declaring the vice president.

"The name of the boil is definitely waiting to be cooked, though it's not cooked cooked half-cooked," he said with a smile.

Jokowi's smile is still visible while listening to questions about his potential mate, including when he is confirmed on his presidential vice president. "Can be part, can be professional, can be civilian, can TNI or Police," said Jokowi.

He was reluctant to comment when he was referring to the Vice President's determination after knowing the couple who would be his opponent in the next presidential election

"I told you I was cooking, the water must be hot and boiling at the right time, "said the former DKI Jakarta governor answering reporters' questions about the numbers that entered would be vice president.

(wis / kid)

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