Jokowi inaugurates the 51-kilometer Sragen-Ngawi toll road


SRAGEN, – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Solo-Ngawi toll road in the 51-kilometer Sragen-Ngawi segment in the rest area KM 538, Sragen-Ngawi toll road, village of Ngrampal, Sragen, Central Java, Wednesday (11/28/2018).

"By saying bismillahirrohmaanirrohim, this morning, I officially opened the Sragen-Ngawi segment on 51 km," said President Jokowi urging the inauguration of the siren button accompanied by the State Minister , BUMN Minister, Vice Governor of Central Java and General Manager of Highways Sugiyartanto.

With the launch of the Solo-Ngawi toll road in the Sragen-Ngawi segment, the President continued, the Jakarta-Surabaya toll road will be connected sooner this year.

"Soon, from Jakarta-Surabaya at the end of this year, God willing, everything is connected," he added.

Read also: Connected by Java, Jakarta-Surabaya can last 10 hours?

Note that the Sragen-Ngawi section has been declared practicable and ready to operate as a toll road under the decree of the Minister of Public Works and Housing number: 896 / KPTS / M / 2018 relating to the establishment of the toll section Solo-Mantingan-Ngawi Sragen-Ngawi from November 12, 2018.

The same day, also issued a decree of the Minister of the PUPR, at the number: 897 / KPTS / M / 2018, concerning the determination of the types of motorized vehicles and the amount of the toll tariff on the Solo-Mantingan toll road. Ngawi.

In the decree, the toll rate on a toll road with a total length of 90.43 kilometers is IDR 1,000 per kilometer for Clbad I vehicles, IDR 1,500 per group of kilometers II and III. and IDR 2,000 per kilometer for category IV and V vehicles.

Minister BUMN, Rini Soemarno, Secretary of State Pratikno, Deputy Governor Gus Yasin, Deputy Governor of Central Java, Regent Sragen Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati, Regent Ngawi Budi Sulistyono and other government officials also attended the inauguration of the Sragen-Ngawi segment.

Read also: Continue the infrastructure completed before the presidential election, Jokowi wants to add his list of achievements

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