Jokowi Polis Maniah Habib Bahar bin Smith


Secretary General Jokowi Mania (Joman) Kamarudin reported Habib Bahar bin Smith to the police. Habib Bahar is considered to have a speech containing elements hate speech.

Kamarudin reported Habib Bahar to SPKT Bareskrim Polri on Wednesday (28/11/2018). In his complaint to the police, Kamarudin said that Habib Bahar complained of committing crimes against public authorities, crimes of racial and ethnic discrimination, and hate speech or violence. . hate speech.

"I am reporting today," Kamarudin said when asked to confirm.

Habib Bahar reported with article number 1 of the 1946 law 1946 Penal Code No. 40 of 2008 regarding the elimination of racial and ethnic discrimination, the law number 19 of 2016 modifying the law number 1 of 2008 concerning the ITE and Article 207 of the Penal Code, Article 16. Junction Article 4, letter b, number 1 and article 45, paragraph 2, of Article 28, paragraph (2).

Kamarudin questioned Habib Bahar's statement in a video deemed sufficient to trap Jokowi.

"The proof, in the first place, is a viral video and some other videos. flash disk, "Says Kamarudin.

(fjp / jbr)

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