Jokowi said about mutual Kill action because of different options in the presidential election


SOLO, – President Jokowi regretted the murder that occurred in the regency of Sampang, in East Java, because it had been triggered by a different choice of presidential elections.

The former governor of DKi has repeatedly said that different choices in any election should not hurt relations between citizens.

"Every time I meet the community and go to the area, village and village, I always say, not because of the choice of regents, mayors, governor, and the choice of president, we do not greet each other between neighbors, villages and taklim majelis President Jokowi said after the closure of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) 2018 at the Alila Hotel in Solo, central Java on Wednesday ( 28.11.2018).

For Jokowi, the different choice of the presidential election to the point of killing is a serious mistake. Because, do not say hello because of the different choices in the election alone is not correct.

"It was a big mistake, I repeated it many times, greeting you, it's not okay, especially until you kill more," said Jokowi.

Read also: From the status of the presidential election on Facebook, two men involved in a duel, a person killed

To prevent such an incident from happening again, Jokowi asked leaders in the region to recall that there should be a democratic party every five years from the regional to the central level.

Previously, the mutually challenging action related to Facebook's presidential election on social media had resulted in a duel in the regency of Sampang, in East Java.

Subaidi, a dental handyman, was killed after his body was pierced by a hot bullet with Andika 's gun, the author.

On Wednesday (21/11/2018), the victims of the people of the village of East Tamberu, Sokobanah sub-district, in the Sampang regency, did not visit their patients in the village of Sukobanah Laok.

In the middle of the road, he met the author, the Facebook account owner, who had challenged the victim's teacher through Facebook status comments.

Both were involved in a duel. The victim carried a sharp firearm and the attacker carried a homemade pistol. At the end of the story, the author pulls on the victim's chest. The victim was killed.

"In a few hours, the Sampang regional police managed to arrest the perpetrators," said Frans Barung Mangera, public relations commissioner of the East Java Regional Police, on Saturday (24/11/2018).

Read also: AHY: Nobody can guarantee the contribution of the presidential election to Pileg

Previously, the victim's teacher had uploaded a photo with a sharp firearm. The photo is endowed with a status that appeals to supporters of one of the presidential candidates.

Then the status of the victim's teacher was returned by a Facebook account in the name of Idris Afandi Afandi, who allegedly belonged to the author of the facts, with reasoned comments ready to take up the challenge .

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