Jokowi spokesperson calls democracy professor Soeharto Corruption: uncivilized – VIVA


VIVA – Ferdinand Hutahaean, member of the advocacy and legal members of the winning Prabowo-Sandiaga organization, responded to the statement of the spokesperson of the national campaign team Jokowi-Ma 'ruf, Ahmad Basarah, who called the second president of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto, a professor of corruption.

He considered that the Jokowi-Ma team seemed to have been suffering from an illness that could not respect the country's predecessor leader.

"Starting from Jokowi in his ranks, it seems that he can never respect the former leaders.I think that Ahmad Basarah is too brutal and excessive to appoint Suharto as an instructor in the field." of corruption, "said Ferdinand contacted Thursday, November 29, 2018.

According to him, regardless of Suharto's weaknesses and mistakes, it is still inappropriate for Ahmad Basarah to make such misleading statements.

"This shows the quality of the Jokowi team that has not thanked the previous leaders," said Ferdinand.

He claimed that Soeharto, as the father of development, had crushed the PKI and was not a teacher of corruption, as claimed by the secretary general of the PDIP.

He appealed to all supporters of Soeharto or Soehartoism that he would not vote for Jokowi, as it turned out that his team had insulted Suharto's name and had not not respected.

"It's harbadment of the leader of the nation, and if possible, I have to declare it a non-civilized declaration," Ferdinand said.

Earlier, spokesman for the Jokowi-Ma 'ruf team, Ahmad Basarah, had not accepted the statement of presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto, who had described Indonesia as "stage four corruption". Cancer".

According to him, the culture of corruption is currently the legacy of the New Order era, where Prabowo was once part of it. Basarah continued, corruption is still a shared challenge, even though now it can not be resolved.

"Becoming a teacher of corruption in Indonesia according to MPR TAP No. 11 of 1998 was former President Soeharto and it was the ex-brother-in-law Pak Prabowo," said Basarah.

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