Jokowi: The government forbids Azan, the logic between it?


BANJAR, – President Joko Widodo has urged residents of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) to fight the hoaxes and slander spreading in society recently.

That's what President Jokowi said in a speech to the National Council of Ulemas and the big UN conference at Al Azhar Islamic Residential School in Citangkolo, Banjar, West Java, Wednesday afternoon (27 / 2/20/2019).

"I gave him a good answer from the NU, especially since there were problems of slander and door to door," said the president.

"If what is conveyed is a good invitation, please, it is good, but if what is transmitted is disturbing and worrying for the community, we must dare to respond," continued Jokowi.

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He gave an example of hoaxes and slanders that recently attacked the Jokowi government, namely that if Jokowi were elected in the presidential election of 2019, the voice of the call to prayer would then be banned.

In addition, the government will legalize the marriage if Jokowi is re-elected in the second period.

"For example, the government will forbid the call to prayer, logically, does it enter or not?" Jokowi asked.

"No," responded to participants in unison.

"Logic between or not, but many of our communities believe.That is why, if we do not respond to such things, our society will be consumed," continued Jokowi.

Read also: Maruf Amin: I am an Azan, why do you say that there is no Azan?

President Jokowi opened the 2019 UN National Conference and the Conference at the end of his speech.

Also present were Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of Religions Lukman Hakim Saefudin and Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti.

The presidents general of the PBNU, Kiai Haji Said Agil Siradj, and Mustasyar NU Kiai Haji Ma'ruf Amin.

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