JPO Bundaran HI Disassembled, Monument Welcome Now Look More Clear


JAKARTA, – The demolition of the People's Turning Bridge (JPO) HI Roundabout at the top is over

Some residents pbading through the former JPO have admitted that they can now see clearly the Visitor's Monument which is exactly in the middle of the HI roundabout. Precisely when seen from Sarinah to Sudirman who had been blocked JPO.

"Now obviously, really seems, if the first may be somewhat hindered yes," said a pedestrian, Fidella said Tuesday (31/7/2018).

In addition to Fidella, other pedestrians said that Marwan can clearly see the monument in the form of a statue of a human being who was holding flowers and waving it.

Read also: Appearance of HI Roundabout Area After JPO Section Dismantled

"This sounds obvious, but I think the one who does not pay attention also badumes that it is normal because it is high except at a distance, "said Marwan

. (JPO) Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI) at Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jalarta, Tuesday (31/7/2018) RINDI NURIS VELAROSDELA Heavy equipment is still on alert at the Bridge from Penyebran gan People (JPO) Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI) at Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jalarta, Tuesday (31/7/2018)

Despite this, private sector employees have regretted the dismantling of the IJ Roundabout JPO. Because, he is one of the citizens who like to photograph the welcome statue from the top of the JPO

"Unfortunately aja sih mbak, because I honestly include those who love the motif of this statue .. Now yes more d & At the bottom, "he said. that, Novita felt different things. He admitted that he had not paid much attention to the presence of JPO blocking the statue.

"I am not too perhatiin It is not clear if I think there is JPO and engga, 19659005] We read also: The dismantling of JPY Roundabout HI is debated at night to avoid loss

Nevertheless, Novita does not oppose the dismantling of the JPOs which are now replaced Pelican

According to him, during the provincial government "Si the government is a positive destination to welcome athletes, because the statue of Welcome to present Jakarta is not a problem, "said Novita.

Currently, the JEA dismantled was replaced by pbadage Pelican which began to operate since yesterday [Si (f.fbq) retour; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?
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