JSMR is working on Jakarta-Cikampek flyover airspace alternately with other projects


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The Ministry of Transport (Kemenhub) makes two recommendations to the commercial entity of the toll road (BUJT), which is working on a project along the toll road connecting Jakarta to Cikampek (Japek).

The recommendations issued on Wednesday (28/11/2018) aimed to remedy the congestion of the Japek toll road due to the simultaneous construction of three projects.

The three projects are the Jakarta-Bandung fast train, the light rail (LRT) and the Jakarta-Cikampek II elevated toll road.

Read also: Jasa Marga Manages 158 kilometers of toll roads for national strategic projects

For the Layang Jakarta-Cikampek II (elevated) toll road, it is made by PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. Until the end of November 2018, progress reached 58.5%.

In response to recommendations from the Ministry of Transport, PT Chief Executive Jasa Marga (Persero), Tbk Desi Arryani, said he would follow the advice and share time with parties working on two other projects.

"The recommendation concerns projects that take place in the same place, do not work together, must be shared between them," said Desi on the project site Japek Km 25 Tol, in Bekasi, Thursday (29.11.2018).

The division can be in terms of time and place determined according to the schedule.

"For example in Cikunir and Grand Wisata, change is also appropriate calendar dated. All remain in parallel, only at a few points. Just synchronize, "he added.

As previously stated, the first recommendation made by the Minister of Transport, Budi Karya Sumadi, namely the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train and light rail (LRT) projects will be carried out by a contractor.

"We are calling on a contractor to ensure that the heavy equipment is not stacked at the intersection of Cikunir and that necessary road space is still used," Budi Karya told Jakarta on Wednesday (28/11/2018).

The second recommendation is to apply a system of even numbers in the Tambun area of ​​Bekasi to facilitate the pace of vehicles from Jakarta to Bandung.

According to Budi, the travel time between Jakarta and Bandung can reach 10 hours, while it should only last three to four hours.

"Therefore, Tambun is also strange," he said.

Later, the Department of Transportation will provide 50 buses to help the community when an unusual system will be put in place.

"So, in a bus, 50 vehicles online can be replaced so that spaces become open," he concluded.

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