Just 1 MB, Instagram Lite Glide for Android users: Okezone Techno


JAKARTA – Some popular applications may slow down the mobile phone of some users. To this end, the company creates applications with a lighter version or one that is smaller in size.

Instagram is an application that carries the lighter version. Posted by Techtimes Tuesday (3/7/2018), Instagram Reveals the Appearance of Instagram Lite, an app that now slides for Android users by uploading it to the Google Play Store.

According to testimonials, this application has a very small size, that is to say 1MB. Although the size is small, but the application has an interesting function that is maintained.

Users can apply filters to photos and share them in posts or stories. Users can also watch stories and explore the Explore page.

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What this light app can not do is share videos or send instant messages to friends. However, this disability is acceptable since the Lite version is 55 times smaller than the main version.

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Instagram Lite is the best solution for developing countries and this app can answer various problems such as less qualified storage and slow internet speed.


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