Just because you do not have children Netizen comments to Shandy Aulia Sadis: "Seram Once 'Mouth"


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Married since 2011, Shandy Aulia and David Herbowo have until now not had the chance to have a child.

Shandy also spoke to him directly.

Shandy has had the time to tell herself and her husband (19659002) However, in his opinion, luck is not yet on their side

Yet, it seems to have so disturbed the Internet users that to blaspheme then Shandy.

Even recently, we know that there is a netter who commenting on the spicy subject of Shandy's personal affairs

Narrated by Instagram Story Shandy Aulia, the netter is seen commenting on the state of Shandy who has not yet been blessed with a baby.

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