Just Want Nyari Meatballs And Tempe, Maia Estianty Wear A Private Jet In Malang


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID -Fancy lifestyle is often shown by musicians Maia Estianty lately.

In addition to wearing clothing and accessories worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the ex-wife of Ahmad Dhani often travels with private jets or clbad planes.

Report from Tribunstyle.com in the title "Luxury, Just Want Culinary Tour to Malang, Maia Estianty to Use Private Jet!", Private Jet also addressed the mother of Al, El and Dul during a visit to the city of Malang.

Look elegant style radiated by Maia, Yuni and Dita during a trip in Private Jet.

Narrated by Nakita in the title "Maia Estianty often uses Private Jet, Luxury Interior Intip". The staff of Maia

. (19659002) There is a private room in a jet equipped with luxurious furniture.

There is also a long gray sofa with pillows. (19659002) Seen from May Chan who now prefer to use his real name Dita Anggraeni on his personal instagram ” width=”700″ height=”466″/>

. (19659009) In addition, there is a dining room complete with comfortable tables and chairs. ” width=”700″ height=”466″/>
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