Jusuf Kalla assures Indonesia ready to hold 2018 Asian Games


KOMPAS.com – The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla badures that all parties are ready to hold the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang

Jusuf Kalla said at the meeting on the preparations for the 2018 Asian Games at the Office of Inasgoc, Senayan, Jakarta, on Friday (29/6/2018) afternoon

This morning, Jusuf Kalla and his entourage briefly reviewed a number of sites Asian Games 2018.

Some place is not yet 100% complete, but Jusuf Kalla is optimistic that everything will be finished next month.

Read also: Luis Milla Understanding the target of the Indonesian National Team at the 2018 Asian Games

is ready, on the side held is almost over ", has said Jusuf Kalla at a press conference session

" Location unfinished, to be completed next month.J I had a chance to see, one of them Them place BMX. We are convinced that everything is ready, "he said

on this occasion, Jusuf Kalla also discussed the achievement of the objectives of Indonesian athletes who will compete.

With various tests conducted, both in the country and in Overseas, the athletes bring Indonesia to achieve the top 10.

See also: South Korean National Team Coach Confident Indonesia Asian Games Competition

The 2018 Asian Games will involve 45 countries and will compete in 40 sports.

Di Jakarta, the 2018 Asian Games will be held at several venues, such as Gelora Bung Karno, Velodrome, Pulo Mas, Taman Mini and Cibubur

The match at Palembang will be centered on Jakabaring Sport City

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