Kader At KPK's OTT, Golkar is ready to be sanctioned


INDOPOS.CO.ID – The Golkar Party expressed its respect for the judicial process against the Vice President of Commission VII, Eni Maulani Saragih, who authorized the operation of KPK on Friday (13 / 7).

President of the DPP The Golkar party, Ace Hasan Syadzily, said that now he is still watching the legal process that continues to unfold. "In principle, the Golkar Party respects and respects the judicial process and to all cadres who commit illegal actions, it must receive the punishment that should be," said Ace in Cikini Numbers Jakarta on Saturday. (14/7)

Senayan politician claimed that if Eni had been proven to have violated the law, the party that Airlangga Hartarto was superstitious would soon give a statement of his attitude.

For the moment, according to Ace, his party could not behave. "We continue to deepen the case of what happened to Eni (Eni) and we expect official information from KPK. New we later declare the attitude," he explained.

Up to now, KPK protects nine persons made up of elements of the House of Representatives

Apparently, this OTT is related to the tasks of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) which is to enchant the energy. (jaa)

# members-dpr & nbsp # eni-maulani-saragih & nbsp

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