Kbad247.com –
As the president's daughter, Kahiyang Ayu was also well known to Indonesians. In addition, President Joko Widodo's daughter aka Jokowi is also active in social media to share personal and business portraits.
Like all those whose names are popular, Kahiyang Ayu often receives varied comments in a number of messages. Not a positive comment, it turns out that there is also membully Kahiyang because one of the caption of the photo. In fact, at that time, Ayu Kahiyang confessed to joking by calling himself "body of sacks of rice."
Instead of anger or protest, Kahiyang Ayu felt amused. The couple's daughter, Jokowi and Iriana, did not even hesitate to sneer at netizens who were sneering . "Hi my little angel, there is a funny fairy tale ya .. So mother dipostingan sblmnya, your mother writes" bags of body rice ".. eee out your mother dibully gara2 guns grateful dikasih kmu HAHAHAHAHAHA .. ah netijen mah hard diajakin joke, " Kahiyang wrote in his article on Thursday, June 28.
Source: Instagram.com/MakKepo
Kahiyang also remembers the shape of the body when he was not declared pregnant . "Pdhl away from you, your mother's body emang like bags of rice was so dense crawling, slimming comment diet was attacked," continued Kahiyang.
Do not want to be considered a buncher, Kahiyang Ayu also put an end to the outpouring of his heart. "The tale is so dlu yaa, nak … later the tale of klo is long, your mother still thought to bap (pdhl mah we are there to laugh yaa, son)," he said .
The message of Kahiyang Ayu also attracted the attention of one of the country's celebrities, Inul Daratista. In fact, Inul's answer managed to make Kahiyang lol "Hehehe pdhl not artist ya buu, how are we with qiqiqiq arteess …. mind buu always happy," said Inul. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA juarakk deh," Kahiyang chimes.
Instead of being born, Inul's commentary on Kahi garners a hint of sarcasm. "Hahhaha inul artezzzzzz lohhh yaaa … hahhahaa mbak ayang mah more dr artist kaliiii son president loh ya … hahhaha inulll inullll …" sarcastic @a *** _ dk. "Iyaaa tau kok knows so bude artist @ inul.d," says @putr ***** aa_. "kok was not able to concentrate ama komen inul yes it is not artist, tp child PRESIDENT," supplement @ **** schi .
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